Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dare to be different

For those of you who didn’t get to see Ita Buttrose on Wednesday night at the Moama Bowling Club, I am going to touch on what she spoke about at the Murray Business Network Evening. Her talk profoundly covered off on the concept of “Daring to Be Different”; about pushing the boundaries and also about loving what you do as this contributes to the enthusiasm of being the best you could possibly be. She asked the audience to ask themselves if they were going to die in 6 months would this be what they want to be doing. Some of the fundamentals that she touched on I have seen on a smaller scale.

Beginning with my grandmother – who I will now be emailing this blog to as she has only just decided after mastering text messaging and mobile phones at the ripe old age of 70 that she would like to learn how to use a computer and the internet. Talk about pushing the boundaries. Her passion for wanting to learn will not let the computer beat her. Her memory isn’t quite as sharp as it was however by simply writing everything down for her she is now teaching herself how to use the computer. She will also be starting lessons in a month to hone in on those skills.

Also my ex school teacher & friend, the talented Tamara Cadd introduced the concept of “Trash the Dress” to Echuca/Moama. Tamara has been photographing weddings for years and after getting married herself she realised that the wedding dress that you pay so much for hangs in the cupboard with no further use. After a friend of hers told her about this new craze she decided to jump on board. She understood as a photographer & a bride herself there are certain shots on the day that you just can’t get as it may ruin the dress before the reception. So Tam stepped out herself in her wedding dress and began encouraging other women to do the same - those crazy things in their wedding dress to get amazing photos that they just couldn’t do on their wedding day. It’s a fantastic idea and has started a tail spin of women trashing their dress around the local area. Check out this website for further information

BYL espresso is another place that provides a unique experience when you walk in the door. They have made it their job to remember what you order if you are a regular customer. It’s the extra bit of service that keeps people coming back. It is a simple service that they can offer which stemmed from being in touch with what their customers want.

When beginning to write this blog there were differing opinions about whether or not it was a good idea to pursue. My opinion always was and has been that everything especially with the younger generation is changing & that people like to receive information & news now over the email or over the internet. With this thought in mind, I decided to give it a go, thus providing a service to my clients, friends and family. In the end though the real reason I decided to pursue it was because I enjoyed doing it. I actually didn’t care if only 5 people read what I wrote. I had faith eventually more people would read it.

It’s a little bit like a section of the Alps called the Semmering between Austria and Italy. It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks even before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew some day, the train would come. It’s about having a little faith in what you do & having the passion to make it successful.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, a great read Brooke!!! Thank you! Sarah North


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